Kamis, 30 April 2015

Headline Today : Diversion Traffic At May Day 2015 in Jakarta (085725847570/afdhalikhsan1@gmail.com)

Hasil gambar untuk pengalihan arus lalu lintas may day 201
Jakarta Provincial Government and Polda Metro Jaya will hold a car-free day during the commemoration of Labor Day or May day in Jakarta. Some roads will be closed and transferred on May 1, 2015.

Police will deploy 14 404 officials to secure a joint rally will be hundreds of thousands of workers from the Greater Jakarta. With details, 5217 from the Jakarta Police Task Force, 6809 of the Task Force Police, Police Headquarters BKO 1,597 personnel, 300 personnel and the assistance of the Military District 601 personnel.

While the traffic flow is closed Jalan Sudirman to Jalan Thamrin. During the May Day commemoration traffic will be diverted.

Jalan Merdeka Barat purpose vehicles from the north (Harmony) warped to the left through the Post New Market then crossed into Banteng Square, until Tugu Tani, and Menteng.

From the east, passing through Semanggi roundabout will be closed. Only bus mass May Day participants are allowed to pass, while private cars are banned.

If the masses are full at the roundabout HI, then the mass of new arrivals will be stopped in Dukuh Atas and must walk. Vehicle requested through the bottom and parking on the monument.

If Semanggi already filled with masses, the masses are coming from the direction of Tangerang will be warped through Tomang, then turn left towards harmony.

Sudirman-Thamrin road closure applies at 6:00 a.m. to 13:00 pm. If the mass was still at the scene, the road closure is tentative.

Source : Kompas

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